Lil Spill
July 7, 2013
Bam Kevin and I ran a half marathon today in San Diego. When I say Bam, don’t think that I feel strong and powerful. I am exhausted and I am limping, seriously. My time for 13.2 miles was 2 hours and 16 minutes. I am very fucking pleased with that. I ran the first 10k at 59 minutes. So I was doing well , for me. I hit mile 9 and I was struggling. I was trying to pace myself behind these girls who were wearing tootoos with thongs. I was pacing myself watching their butts bounce mile after mile. I don’t give a shit how fit you are, the bare butt running doesn’t look very good. Just my opinion.
When we started out Kevin was ahead of me. Somewhere between mile 10 and 11 Kevin came from behind me to join me. ” Kevin, didn’t you finish already?” He said that early on he cramped up and I had been ahead of him for most of the race. He was using me as his pacer from behind. ” so I actually beat you the first 10 miles?” Awesome!! He was nice and ran the rest of the race by my side so that my clocked time would be faster even though he could of definitely passed me by.
Is it weird that I now want to watch myself run in a thong in the mirror to see how badly my butt looks from behind?
We are mother fucking powerhouses. Next week Coyote Ugly hits the Tough Mudder in Tahoe. ( dont think I Havent noticed the pathetic numbers from some of the bars this weekend.
Lil what you need to do is get Kevin, now experienced at running behind you, to film your but as you go . Also to film the buts of those tattoo and thong chicks. You’ll all have to dress the same to be fair. Then post the video of all the running buts and have us comment on the best presented ‘runaway’ but.