Lil Spill

September 2008 Archive

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

There is a large subculture of dancing in South Carolina. This dancing is called shagging. Last night Trey’s dad taught me the basics of shagging. I love it! So fun.
Jeff W has been working his butt off. The whole weekend I was receiving emails from him. Even Sunday night I had gotten emails. He is stressed out!! Big picture Jeff Big Picture
There is the expression ” you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.” I know someone named Greg S. This guy is a big mother fucker. Some people might even be scared of him because of how big he is. But as the old expression goes you truly can’t judge a book by it’s cover because this big guy is really afraid of coming to the Myrtle Beach Bike Rally. I even promised to hold his hand!!
For some reason I can’t open the manager’s logs. No calls so the bars haven’t burnt down.

posted by Liliana @ 9:48 AM

Monday, September 29, 2008

16 hours to drive to Myrtle Beach. We took the Coyote truck and hauled a trailer with bikes. ( Myrtle Beach bike rally). I swear my SUV could of done a better job hauling the trailer. We would have to build momentum before we would hit an incline otherwise the truck would get down to 40 mph. The testament to a relationship is lasting that long on a trip. The last hour was so painful! But we are here now and it’s beautiful. I hope this bar works out. Unfortunately the city is stopping the bike rallies and changing closing time back down to 2am. We’ll figure it out!

posted by Liliana @ 10:57 AM

Friday, September 26, 2008

The bars rocked last night. Memphis nice to see these big numbers. Awesome!!! Nick and Judith I am very proud!!!
OK I got my bike lowered and I am feeling a lot more confident. The years of being a mommy have taken an “uncool” toll on me. Kevin and Lee have said to me in the past ” Lil you have an image to uphold at least get some cool rims on your SUV.” Jackson loves me just the way I am. In fact in the mom world , kids are more embarrassed with mom’s that wear cool fashions or do cool things. I am cool in my own way now. Life changes, wants change.
My son has a new favorite son called ” Life Is Beautiful” by Six AM. I was listening to this song this morning with Jackson and it really has a valid message. ” Nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive. Open your eyes and see that life is beautiful.”
I love everyone today even myself, that’s big!!!

posted by Liliana @ 11:54 AM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I received a call from Daniel yesterday regarding a previous manager who called to ask for his job back. This particular manager was sleeping with one of the girls ( we obviously did not know) . His method of giving notice was to call Chantel and say ” I am in my car 200 miles away from the bar and I quit.” Leaving us to scramble to secure that location. The reason for his expeditious departure was because the employee he was screwing didn’t want him working there. ” Thank you for applying your application will be put on the bottom of the pile”. When I told chantel last night that he asked for his job back she was floored. Kudos to him for having the nerve to call. That kind of nerve with the right motivation might actually get him somewhere. LOL
Jim from nashville wrote something very funny in his manager’s log. ” I am getting really good at firing people, I think it is a gift of mine,I had to fire 2 employees today for, you guessed it …. fraternization ” LOL
Jackson has been playing soccer for the last year and a half. He never liked it but he had recently been asked to be on an elite team that travels. On Saturday I went to his game and I sat their stunned at how unhappy he was to play. I turned to his dad and said ” let’s find him another sport that he likes versus this one which we force him to partake in.” After the game I told Jackson that he no longer had to play soccer but that in the next year we would try a lot of different sports but by the end of the year he had to play something. Knowing my son, I realized that he is better with one on one competition versus a team and he enjoys goofing around with rough play. ” Wrestling” So his dad found a wrestling league and he went to his first practice yesterday. He loved it!! I am so happy. Also Jackson is not going to be a big man ( my short gene) and wrestling is geared for all different sizes and you compete in your own weight class. So nice to hear him happy about something. He also joined African drum class, hopefully he will like that as well.

posted by Liliana @ 9:28 AM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cross my fingers hopefully we will open in Oklahoma before Christmas. Have a very good chance at a space in Cancun. Interesting opportunity in San Diego. We are cruzing!!

posted by Liliana @ 2:31 PM

I have just acknowledged to myself that I am in a full blown mid life crisis. I am nuts and nuts people do nuts things. When I was 18 I used to go up to the country ( upstate NY) with my friends and that’s where I learned how to ride a motorcycle. Well one day I was driving a friends bike with a friend on the back and I got into an accident. That totally freaked me out. Not the idea of riding a bike but the idea of driving a bike. Well low and behold I own a ton of biker bars but I have always been content to ride on the back of my boyfriends bike. Yesterday I look at my boyfriend and say ” I am going down to ” Harley Davidson of New Orleans and buying a Nightster.” So that is what I did yesterday. We then took my beautiful new bike to Zypher stadium parking lot to test drive it. Let’s just say I suck and no it is not like riding a bicycle. The bike is too tall so now it’s in the shop getting lowered. I bought a helmet that could withstand a nuclear holocaust but for some weird reason I hate the ugly boots with the rubber heels. My boyfriend who was so psyched to help me said yesterday after our first training session ” honey, maybe its best to go train with someone else.” I am laughing so hard at myself. I have now become that stereotypical mid life crisis person that they depict in pathetic tv shows!!! So funny

posted by Liliana @ 1:17 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just was told on a heated conference call that Coyote Ugly is not a biker bar. I don’t know what bar you have been going to but Coyote Ugly is most definitely a biker bar. We welcome all kinds of Bikers even crotch rockets bikers. Maybe he is upset because we don’t have Vespa night

posted by Liliana @ 2:06 PM

Very busy day already. I am looking for a positive thinking seminar. I want to enroll myself and the New Orleans staff to see how that effects work on many levels. I figure they can be the guinea pigs plus I have been a jerk to them lately so I thought it could be a nice bonding experience. I know after writing this there will be two people I am acquainted with that will email me with offers of their services. These two people call themselves ” life coaches”. One is in the process of a bad divorce ( which I think she created the negative) and the other has had several businesses go bust. I don’t think I will be using their services.
Some nasty emails coming to me today and some nasty emails going back as well.
My blood pressure is rising with these emails. Jeff w is in the middle trying to calm things down. If I wasn’t getting so mad it would be comical. Fuck you!

posted by Liliana @ 10:50 AM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jackson and I are lying in my bed. I am on the computer and he is watching a show called ” chowder”. I can not believe what the storyline is; ” women have something in their bodies called ” expectations”. It’s not until they lower their expectations that they can be happy.” I had to laugh because god knows in life one lowers their expectations. A LOT
Daniel and few girls just went to the Vegas bar t work for a few days. Daniel said the girls were quite nice and beautiful. It is a strange scenario there because they hire bartenders and dancers. We have always made the bartenders be the dancers. Daniel was very impressed with some of the dancers. Hopefully I will get to meet them in the next few months.

posted by Liliana @ 8:18 AM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A mother in the midwest posed as her daughter and tried to return to high school. She claims she was trying to recapture something she lost. ” I don’t know if you’ll find your “mind” back in high school.” That’s nuts.
GM’s cut your spending!!!!
I started the foot detox pads last night. This morning when I woke up the pad was completely brown. So gross yet I feel so good. New Day today.

posted by Liliana @ 1:27 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Last week one of the moms in Jackson’s class invited us over for what I thought was a little get together. Their house had been ruined in Katrina and after 3 years they finally rebuilt it . I thought it was going to be kids and parents having a nice night out. Jackson, his friend and I headed over there at around 7:30. When we arrived at their house we were in a crowd of a 100 people , none of whom I recognized and they were all dressed in black tie formal attire. Thank god I wore a dress because normally I would just wear jeans or yoga pants. ( Even the kids were dressed very formally. Not my kids. I had dressed Jackson and Gabe in Hawaiian shirts and shorts thinking they would be running around with their friends. ) We walked inside and Jackson and Gabe took off at the sight of their friends so I was left alone.
Deja Vu !!I grew up in Yonkers NY. I had a very close friend who I cared for dearly . Her name is Monica. As we grew up I moved away and we went to different schools. We kept up sporadically . Speaking once or twice a year knowing that our paths did not cross unless we planned an outting. When we were 21 I received a call from Monica inviting me to her wedding. Tonight I had the same feeling as I did the night of her wedding. I knew nobody. I had no date. So I had to figure out a way to mix and mingle without looking or feeling out of place. So tonight, very much like Monica’s wedding, and after a few uncomfortable glances, I decided to sit right next to the food table and eat all night. What a spread. There was lamb, oysters, avocado and crabmeat. It was a smorgasbord of deliciousness. If I wasn’t with my kid my station would of been by the bar but that seemed inappropriate given the circumstances. After about an hour and 30 different hor d’ouvres Jackson ran up to me and said he felt a bit dizzy. I love my son and god knows I hate when he is not feeling well but he just gave me an exit strategy!!! So funny. We were out of there in ten minutes!! What an evening.
I saw my first taffeta mini dress tonight. Now that’s a fashion statement!

posted by Liliana @ 11:24 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008

My boyfriend called and told me that his friend’s brother died and there were 400+ people at his funeral. So sad when a young person dies. I think we are not mentally prepared for those losses. I thought it was so great that so many people showed up to give the family support. then of course Trey and I wondered, as all people do, how many people would show up at our funerals? From what his mother tells me he was president of his class in high school. Highly respected as a Marine. Some very long and deep friendships that I have witnessed. So he will have quite a few people, god forbid the unthinkable happens. Trey then said to me ” you’ll have thousands go to your funeral.” Maybe yesterday but not today. I had to make a few unpleasant decisions today regarding employees! I would say my popularity today has fallen dramatically. Well let’s just hope I don’t die anytime soon!!
San Antonio!!! You guys rock!!!

posted by Liliana @ 3:51 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pleased with all the bars last night! San Antonio kicking some butt last night! I am super pleased. I am trying to arrange to fly to Vegas next week to have a special training session with the Vegas girls. I hope that happens.
I feel for the people who have been hit or are going to be hit by hurricane Ike but I am damn glad that it is not headed our way. I am definitely not in the mood to evacuate again.

posted by Liliana @ 3:54 PM

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I fired someone in corporate recently. There are a lot of rumors going on but the truth is simple, excessive spending . This issue was brooched weeks earlier and it continued. When someone is hired to corporate I expect them to protect me and the company. This excessive spending was a direct contradiction to that. I said to him a week prior ” you are supposed to have my back!” If the rumor mill is accurate, he doesn’t truly understand. In our world, Coyote Ugly Development, there is no clock to punch. There is no one leaning over your shoulder watching every move you make. Interesting to see that some people truly need that. We all live in different parts of the country. We all specialize in different areas. It’s not about the hours you put in but about job performance. I hired someone just today to revamp our company expenses. She said to me ” you need to have a true corporate head quarters.” But that does not resolve the problems. My corporate staff is always traveling. They are traveling to our various locations, looking for new locations, working bike rallies, working the TV show, meeting architects etc. We do have a corporate office that we use for big meetings and seminars but it is unrealistic to think everyone should move to New Orleans when 80% of their time is on site at the various places. Regardless, I am pulling in the reigns.
It’s looking like Ike will not hit us in New Orleans!!! Awesome

posted by Liliana @ 3:37 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I feel good today. We watched football in my house. I did normal chores. So nice to be home. Jackson finally starts school tomorrow. Believe me no one is happier then me!! He is even ready to start school.
Denver is rocking!!! ( Denver may be my hurricane evacuation city. I should make that decision relatively soon since it looks like we will have a hard season this year.)
I have had multiple nightmares since Mccain announced Palin as his running mate. I am aware that it is not right to dislike someone you don’t even know but I am disgusted by her.
I went out with a friend the other night who has two grown children and has been a republican most of her adult life. She turned to me and with tears welling in her eyes she expressed such negative emotion about Palin. She said ” I was that girl who got pregnant too young and then was pushed into marrying the father. I am so scared that she is making early pregnancy seem normal. I am even more upset that they are probably pushing this young girl into marriage because of politics. “
Life is hard. Life as a woman in this country is still hard. So scary to think of this woman as vice president.
In her speech she called out Obama and said ( as my memory serves) ” while he’s cleaning up the planet, we’ll be …”
For someone who seems to be propagating so rapidly you would think she would care about the planet.
Enough for one day. Off to read with my son.

posted by Liliana @ 7:52 PM

Friday, September 05, 2008

I am so happy!!! Our power just went on 5 minutes ago!! What a day yesterday was. The airlines had canceled our flight 2 days in a row. Yesterday we checked in and were waiting at the gate for our flight. Our flight was scheduled to depart at 8:10 pm. At 8 pm they announced that it was canceled because the crew had nowhere to sleep in New Orleans. ( WE were in Charlotte airport). Across from our gate was a flight heading to Gulfport that left at 8:20. We ran over to the gate and got on the flight, knowing our luggage wouldn’t come to Gulfport. When we landed in Gulfport we had to rent a car. We drove back to the city. I didn’t have electricty nor did my boyfriend. His company had the forsight to rent rooms in a hotel for their managers so we finally checked into the hotel at 2am. ( Trey had to head straight for work, no sleep) Jackson and I slept till 8 and headed home. We have been cleaning up. No damage, just a stinky house. The last 2 courses of business are retrieving our bags from the airport and retrieving my car. ( like an idiot I checked the bag that had my car keys inside). I am a happy camper today!!! Bonnie and Cheeto get home tonight!!!
Home sweet home!!!

posted by Liliana @ 12:06 PM

Thursday, September 04, 2008

A lot going on in the news today. So sad that we have this woman running as the vice presidential candidate that has no grasp on the needs of women or this planet.
I haven’t read the manager’s logs all week. I am going home today. Hopefully there will be no damage to my house or building and we will have electricity.
WE officially signed the lease in Oklahoma City. Bricktown here we come!!!

posted by Liliana @ 9:36 AM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Still in North Carolina. My flight back to New Orleans has been canceled two times. I know I had no flooding but I am hoping no wind damage. This is really getting old. Jackson’s school is canceled till Monday. Urgh!!!
There is a part of me that knows I need to pick an alternate city to live in but I can’t put my brain around that. I do not want to move back to NY. I love NY but I hated raising Jackson there. I can only imagine that a french school there must be around 30g. That is ridiculous.
Too much to think about today

posted by Liliana @ 10:41 AM

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