” Mom are you technically a senior citizen ?” God damn it NO. I think that’s 62.

San Antonio, Fort Worth, Austin and Denver getting their staffs to run/walk the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer races . Bars did well this weekend especially Oklahoma ! Holla !

Calendar’s came out . 25 years and I finally got a half page at the end of the calendar . Not in a bikini but hey I made the calendar !

Trying to get dates set for the openings of Fukoaka and Liverpool . Let’s do it !

Laugh it up people ! When I am in the geriatric Sports Illustrated magazine , I will have the last laugh .

i just received this from a friend wishing me a happy early birthday .

” Hey this was Jerry  when he was 50″

“Dear Miss Lovell , As you ascend in years you should start looking for your assisted living arrangements .” You are f kidding me ! Let me tell you what the 50 is the new 40 looks like .

Conversation with Kevin this morning :

Me: Kev , I am so excited to get my MRI results today . You know at 50 you have to get a mandatory Colonoscopy ?

Kevin : of I have already had two

Me: did you lose ten pounds ?

Yup this is my life .

bars doing so well ! Bam . Momma needs to pay for assisted living

signed a big deal to open multi locations in the UK. Let’s go Liverpool




Bam Fort Worth ! So much fun filming the bartending instructional video . But Alas, it wasn’t to be . ” sorry guys but the audio didn’t work so we need to shoot again “

The bars are rocking . Nashville is on fire !

What a day today . Jackson was one of a few winners for this college contest . So proud . But everyday has its pros and cons . He dressed up for a college interview tonight . Waited and waited . Then called the college interviewer . Sorry Jackson but our interview is in October . He was very sweet when he called back to apologize . ” well kid she either thinks you are an idiot or you charmed her .” Lol. Ugh

9/11 So much news about the hurricanes that it took me part of the day to remember 9/11. A thought goes out to all the victims and survivors.

I heard from Joanna and Scooter this morning who own the franchises in Tampa, Daytona , Panama Beach , and Destin. So far everyone is safe and sound.

What absolute craziness.

Today I went swimming at my local gym. I almost feel guilty living in San Diego. Everyday is beautiful. Heading to Fort Worth tomorrow. ” Mike B is it hot as HELL or Hot as HELLLLL?”


We are filming a training video in Fort Worth.( Chantel, Lee, and I)  ” Will I stink or be great?” Only the universe knows!

Having had to evacuate during Katrina , I feel this pang of fear for all these people . Harvey was awful and affected so many people we know . Now Irma has just destroyed so many of these little islands and soon to hit Florida . We have been planning to do a benefit at all the bars for the hurricane relief funds . I just saw an ad for the ASPCA that made me so sad . All these people evacuate and don’t take their pets . Before Katrina , I decided to take my son and fly to NY , 3 days prior . Our neighbors were staying . Their thoughts were that the hurricane was not going to be as bad as the news was broadcasting . I made the mistake of leaving them with our guinea pigs and turtles . I was not allowed to enter my home for a full month because the national guard had imposed a quarantined area . When I got home there were my pets dead in their cages .  The neighbors had stayed through the storm but were forced to evacuate and they left our pets . I wished they had at least released them in the park . It’s my fault ultimately . I never told jackson the truth . Seeing those little creatures dead in their cages because of my own casual attitude , I feel even deeper about helping all these abandoned animals . I am going to donate to the ASPCA and do what ever I can to help .

My eyes just opened to an email ” a new NY neighbor is complaining about noise “. We have been there just shy of 25 years . Why on god green’s earth do you move in right near many bars ?

Bars doing very well . Only bar not doing well is Nola . I need new strategies there .

Gerting a fucking MRI on the weekend . Getting old sucks . Aqua aerobics will probably be my new exercise if I need surgery .