Lil Spill
May 5, 2016
” Lil Cinco de Drinko and your heading to Virginia Beach ? My god you will be covered with drunk military guys .” Why thank you Daniel , I will be safe I promise .
Everyone thinks that the whole staff is scared of me but the reality is everyone is scared of Jeff, company lawyer . This week I knew something was up with Jeff. Between the obamacare filings and a few audits , Jeff is in paperwork hell .
Daniel claims that we have netted the most in years the last few months . I will be the last to see this .
( I fell off my own high heels down the ramp at the SD bar . Ramp not stairs . Oh and everyone saw . ” I am not filing a suit or asking for work and comp. I am just going to admit that my heels were too high and I couldn’t walk and talk at the same time .”
Its been busy with work lately . I am enjoying that . VB here I come
Wow!! I will need to get in training if you guys come to town. Great meeting you guys. Ps. I did tht fire ball shot.