Lil Spill

March 11, 2015

My heart breaks for Mellisa one of  our Vegas Coyotes. Her husband died in a target shooting accident . The report says that it was the result of a bullet ricocheting . Just a tragic tragic accident . So heart broken for her .

Last night I was arranging a new rug in the office that Jackson and I share. I took a picture of it and he said ” is conversation so sparse with your friends that you need to send pictures and discuss the new rug. Mom you either need new friends or a better life “. Ok smartass! Lmao

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Sherri McFadden

Lol. I agree Mike. I do think that CMT should do a series about her life. You know...follow Lil as she goes through her everyday life. I told her this a long time ago and she responded with "No one would watch. It would be to boring." I disagreed then, I disagree now. :)

Mike Vito

Sherri, we should have a reality show for Lil ( The Coyote Ugly Bachelorette starting Hot Mama Lil). I think Lil hates us now. We love you Lil, I am going to give you some advice stop being Lil for awhile, and just be Liliana, you understand. Listen to this old timer he knows what he's talking about sometimes.

Sherri McFadden

Lol! Yep, You need a new man in your life ASAP!!!!!!

Mike Vito

Hey Lil your son is right, get new friends or get a new man in your life. I do sell Iranian rugs if you want me to drop some at your New York bar. I am down the street.