Freaking rough work day! Some big decisions today, that I can handle. But the big decision days with the 1000 pissy emails from Lee has pushed me to boiling point. Smoking mad.
Calming down! Peace and tranquiltiy

Question in regards to hair. Is grey the new black? Fuck I can not keep up!
Going to resign the loan I had to take out for my divorce settlement . Awesome good times ( that’s sarcasm people)

Jackson returned yesterday from sleep away camp. He looked like he hadn’t showered in weeks. After I threw him in the shower I spend over an hour cleaning his cuts, spraying insect bites, and determining that he had poison ivy all over his butt. The good news is that he was able to pull off the tick from his testicles himself .

Funny story. Last night Jacqui and I went to the restroom. I was walking out of my stall when I heard Jacqui yell ” oh my god”. She had placed her bag on the back of the toilet when she got up and flushed her phone fell out of her bag and flushed right down the toilet. It didn’t even clog the toilet just went straight down the pipes. We were laughing so hard! Unfreaking believable

OKCparty was fun last night. Some San Antonio and Austin staff showed up. So fun just chatting with everyone. The staff made this great DVD . It was so well thought out and really touching. Thanks !
A woman just walked up to me and said ” you have a great body” . That just made my whole day. Now I have to pay it forward.

In OKC for the 2 year anniversary! It’s freaking hot.
A trick hotels do is they lower the ac at night. I know each individual room has a Gage but I have felt this in many hotels . Last night I woke up at 2 am hot as hell. I can’t stand that!

Ok can I get one positive email? For fuck sake! I can’t lie I am feeling sorry for myself tonight. Jackson is at camp and I am all alone . I hate that.
OKC coming up!

Coyote Ugly Vindicated: Coyotes Approved to Advertise at Nashville CMA Fest
CMA Fest fans swarmed downtown Nashville much like the cicadas in May. Unlike the red-eyed bugs, CMA festival goers are looking to spend money, and competition among downtown Nashville bars is intense.

This Thursday, the first big day of the fest, Coyote Ugly Coyotes were asked to stop promoting the Saloon to festival goers on lower Broad. Police were polite but firm: no handouts in the main festival area on lower Broad.

Coyote Ugly contacted us Thursday afternoon to see if there was a way to legally advertise to the thousands of festival goers on lower Broad. Based on fliers distributed earlier in the day, scores of fans were taking advantage of the promotions handed out by Coyotes.

Metro police responded well. Police allowed Coyotes to hand out leaflets Thursday night and Friday, while Metro considered the legal issues.

Late Friday afternoon, Police Chief Anderson sent advice to Metro Police. Handing out leaflets is ok. Selling on the streets without  a license is not.

Vindicated, the Coyotes are braving the heat and crowds to drum up business at the Fest. We appreciate Metro’s attention to this issue and thank Police Chief Anderson, Metro Law Director Sue Cain and their staff.

Saturday night I arrived in Memphis. I walked to Texas de Brazil restaurant and there were about 20 police cars surrounding the Peabody Hotel. A teenager had just jumped off the roof clutching a suicide note. So sad. Supposedly this is not the first jumper from that hotel. I wonder the significance of jumping off the Peabody? It’s not particularly tall.
As sad as that story is, the truth is that when someone dies, life continues.

Memphis always throws the best anniversary parties. They choreographed a mini show. They all wore real old west costumes that they ordered on line. Ernie sent a horse drawn carriage to pick up Trey and myself up from the hotel. I had a ball. So proud of the staff. Really proud

ATM: Insufficient Funds. ” don’t worry Jackeon that’s got to be a mistake “. No mistake. I had to send Jackson late for
school today because I had to wait for my paycheck to clear . Lol.
It happens to the best of us.
100 degrees in Memphis this weekend awesome! This fucking heat is miserable

You know the show “Becoming Chaz”. Chastity Bono takes us on her journey from a biological woman to becoming a man” . Wouldn’t it be a great series if you mixed a show like that with Biggest Loser. Don’t you think Chaz would do better with the ladies if he lost a few lbs and maybe buffed up?
Heading to memphis for anniversary party!

Hola Puerto Rico. Lee and Kevin just approved a spot there! That will be awesome to open that bar! That’s the definition of working vacation!