Lil Spill

June 11, 2011

Coyote Ugly Vindicated: Coyotes Approved to Advertise at Nashville CMA Fest
CMA Fest fans swarmed downtown Nashville much like the cicadas in May. Unlike the red-eyed bugs, CMA festival goers are looking to spend money, and competition among downtown Nashville bars is intense.

This Thursday, the first big day of the fest, Coyote Ugly Coyotes were asked to stop promoting the Saloon to festival goers on lower Broad. Police were polite but firm: no handouts in the main festival area on lower Broad.

Coyote Ugly contacted us Thursday afternoon to see if there was a way to legally advertise to the thousands of festival goers on lower Broad. Based on fliers distributed earlier in the day, scores of fans were taking advantage of the promotions handed out by Coyotes.

Metro police responded well. Police allowed Coyotes to hand out leaflets Thursday night and Friday, while Metro considered the legal issues.

Late Friday afternoon, Police Chief Anderson sent advice to Metro Police. Handing out leaflets is ok. Selling on the streets without  a license is not.

Vindicated, the Coyotes are braving the heat and crowds to drum up business at the Fest. We appreciate Metro’s attention to this issue and thank Police Chief Anderson, Metro Law Director Sue Cain and their staff.

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