Lil Spill

August 31, 2012

New Orleans bar is back open yesterday. I finally threw in the towel and booked a hotel last night. I still don’t have electricity and the house was super hot and muggy . Right now Decadence Festival is going on in the French Quarter . Almost every hotel was booked but I finally found one . I am sure when we go for lunch I will have to do a lot of explaining when we see the people enjoying Southern Decadence. ( gay lesbian festival) . Jackson knows people who are gay/lesbian but at Decadence everything is very over the top so that will sure make for good conversation. Lol
Key West training started yesterday! So exciting. I will try and go there Sunday to check in.
New Orleans proper faired very well. So sad to see other places flooded that are so close to us.
Thank you to the universe that we are alright. Thank you to Dillon our new Choreographer for helping out yesterday

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