Coyote of the Month Coyote of the Month

Dana, Germany
February 2011

Dana, Germany

Born and raised on Sylt, Germany’s “High Society Island,” Dana can be described as a natural born gastronome. When she discovered that a tiny island couldn’t fulfill her demands of life, she moved to the city of Duesseldorf 5 years ago and joined the German Coyote Ugly Girls. She became a head of the Coyote tour-team, traveling all over Germany for countless successful shows. 15 months ago she took a break, giving birth to her son, but fortunately she is back. Today she lives in Baumholder, running the local Coyote Ugly Saloon.

Hometown: Baumholder, Germany

What’s the most fun about your job at Coyote Ugly?

I love having an absolute dream job and partying with so many American soldiers down here in Baumholder. Me and my girls really appreciate their great work and important mission.

What makes you a good Coyote?

Having been born on the island of Sylt, I have been into gastronomy my whole life. Working in (or on!) a bar became the logical consequence.

How long have you been a bartender?


What do you like to do on your off time?

Being blessed with a beautiful little son, there isn’t any off time at all.

What is your favorite type of music?

There’s nothing special. I like to surprise my Baumholder collegues with rather unusual tracks in our music playlist. That’s fun.

Do you think the movie is anything like the real thing?

It’s–let’s say–similar. 90 minutes of Hollywood can express only a small idea about a 10 hour night of ultimate party.

Why should a potential customer come and visit you?

Why do people like fried chicken?

Do you have any advice for women who want to be a Coyote?

Every girl who already thinks about becoming a Coyote has already made the most important step to this. Once you feel the desire of joining the most famous bar on the planet, you’re infected. Visit the bar and refer to us. Maybe you’ll become a part of it, and maybe you will find yourself exactly here someday.