Lil Spill

February 22, 2011

Thank you so much Chris, Juan, Jose, Jacqui and Juliana!
Last Tuesday the NY bar scored a 90 on the surprise inspection. 2 days later on Thursday we were reinspected and scored a 16 and they did not reopen us. Over the weekend we put in a new basement floor repainted the whole bar, revamped the sods systems . Jacqui is at the health department now trying to reschedule another inspection. I have been making calls to find out what score we need to reopen. We cut 74 points in less then 48 hours. Ok positive energy. No worries. I actually downloaded a tibettan positivity chant . I lit candles and sang the chant .
Also officially have pneumonia. I went to the doctor yesterday . I swear that all the dental problems started some bad mojo.
My chant: ( sorry spelling) nam myoho genge nyeo

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