Coyote of the Month Coyote of the Month
July 2019
Nadia, Nashville

Nadia is truly one of a kind! Regardless of the day, she comes in with the best attitude and ready to rock! She is our local cheerleader and comedian! We never know what she is going to say… Come in and see her for yourself!
Hometown: Jackson, TN
What’s the most fun about your job at Coyote Ugly?
The customers!! We get people from all over the world and all walks of life. The way they come in and embrace the Coyote spirit makes every shift a party!
What makes you a good Coyote?
I think the love I have for my job as well as the customers, the great support system that my managers and coworkers provide, my work ethic, and my crazy, fun, wild personality all play key factors in me being a good Coyote.
How long have you been a bartender?
I’ve been bartending for 4 years.
What do you like to do on your off time?
I’m a very free, creative spirit, so if it involves the arts, travel, food and a good time, and I’m off, I’m doing it!
What is your favorite type of music?
I’m an oldies but goodies type of gal, ya know? Elton, Alan, etc. You can come in and catch me doing an impersonation of Tina Turner’s “Proud Mary.”
Do you think the movie is anything like the real thing?
Yes, I do in every aspect, actually!
Why should a potential customer come and visit you?
Because no matter the reason you’re at Coyote Ugly, whether you’ve seen the movie, heard about us through family or friends, or just happen to stumble in when I’m there, I can assure you that’ll I’ll strive to always give you the real Coyote experience just like the movie!
Do you have any advice for women who want to be a Coyote?
If you think this is the job for you regardless of experience, go for it! Everything you want is on the other side of fear.